
I watched them burn his body. That’s the Hindu funeral tradition – cover them up with wood and light them up on fire.

While they placed logs of wood on him, they accidently dropped one on my dad’s shoulder. He didn’t flinch. I knew then that he was gone. I watched it all. The men of the family walk around him in circles. Add fire to the wood. The fire spread. The smoky room. People stare at him getting burnt.

It’s an irony – it was fire and third degree burns that brought him here. To death.



I stared at him. I looked around and wondered if people were watching my sister or my mum. I felt fiercely protective. They weren’t watching.

It got too smoky. My dad filled up the space and I wondered if everyone would inhale him now. They all walked away like ants. First a few, then many, a few more and eventually all. I spotted my friends. I asked them not to say a word as we walked back to my home, just around the corner. We walked in absolute silence. It felt odd but perfectly normal – I wanted ice cream.

After the rituals, there were a bunch of relatives who stayed back at home. It was suffocating. My husband and a friend took me out for a drive and I told them I wanted ice cream. They took me to the nearest shop and I got myself a large scoop. They spoke. I ate in silence. Thinking of his arm where the log hit him. Watching him, not flinch. Watching him go away forever. Turn into ashes while I had my ice cream, guilt free.

Virtual Yoga Classes

I’ve started taking virtual yoga classes on Zoom lately and the response has been great! There are free classes every Saturday at 4 pm GST.

If you’re interested and live in Dubai (or anywhere in the world), please contact me over email, Instagram or Facebook

Yoga in Dubai

Yoga in Dubai


Yoga in Dubai

Yoga in Dubai


My first experience with Bikram Yoga in Dubai

2020. New year resolutions. New things to do.

Last month, I decided to try out a yoga class using props – quite a change from what I have been doing for years. While I loved it, something the instructor said made a deeper impact. It was something simple, ‘Push your limits. Break the boundaries in your mind’. It sowed the seed.

This year, I decided to keep one blanket resolution and push myself in every aspect of my life – to try harder and go beyond the edge. So here I am, trying out different styles of yoga and studios in Dubai. Continue reading

Yoga Workshop: Breath, Body and Mind

There’s a Breath, Body and Mind Yoga workshop being organised at Trident Yoga Centre, Dubai (formerly known as 136.1 Yoga Studio) on International Yoga Day. Guess who’s taking it. (Me! Me!)

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Yoga Workshop by Jalaja Ramanunni, Yoga Instructor in Dubai

Here’s what you can expect if you’re dropping by.

You will explore yoga asanas and meditation in a gentle manner. The workshop goes beyond postures to include mindful sequences with a focus on movement and breath.
We’ll begin with Pranayama (breathing techniques), followed by warm up with Surya Namaskar (sun salutations), Asanas (physical movement), and a Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation). The poses are ideally done slowly to stretch the body, and with multiple Savasanas.

There will be a lot of emphasis on the breath while your body twists and turns, stretching out to your potential. There will be multiple Shavasanas to cool your body down.

This workshop will help you learn the art of surrendering and letting go. So be there. Or send us your happy vibes!